Tuesday 31 July 2018

President Duterte's State of The Nation Address 2018

Last July 23, 2018 , President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his 3rd SONA. State of The Nation Address is an annual address by the President to a joint session of the congress covering the economic, social and financial state of the country.

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President Duterte begin his SONA by putting it bluntly. The war against illegal drugs that was far away from over where he said that it was resulted a lot a lot of millions of peso and it run into billions of peso value which is caused harm throughout the country and when illegal drugs operations turn into a bloody way, human rights must be advocates. He was worried about the future on what crimes can do to the youth of our country. Corruption which is about the government funds programmed for infrastructure and social development projects. He also said that the love of money is corrosive. He promised to do whatever it would take to give his fellow Filipinos a comfortable life.

At the end he said " If i were to try to read much lees answer all the attacks made on me, this hop, the presidency,might as well be closed for any business. I do the very best that I know how the very best I can and I mean to keep doing so until the end. But if the end brings me out wrong, ten angels of God sweating that I was right would make no difference". As a student, I want a president that are responsible and true to his works. I hope that President Duterte will do his job properly as we expect a big changes to the Country.