Tuesday 31 July 2018

President Duterte's State of The Nation Address 2018

Last July 23, 2018 , President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his 3rd SONA. State of The Nation Address is an annual address by the President to a joint session of the congress covering the economic, social and financial state of the country.

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President Duterte begin his SONA by putting it bluntly. The war against illegal drugs that was far away from over where he said that it was resulted a lot a lot of millions of peso and it run into billions of peso value which is caused harm throughout the country and when illegal drugs operations turn into a bloody way, human rights must be advocates. He was worried about the future on what crimes can do to the youth of our country. Corruption which is about the government funds programmed for infrastructure and social development projects. He also said that the love of money is corrosive. He promised to do whatever it would take to give his fellow Filipinos a comfortable life.

At the end he said " If i were to try to read much lees answer all the attacks made on me, this hop, the presidency,might as well be closed for any business. I do the very best that I know how the very best I can and I mean to keep doing so until the end. But if the end brings me out wrong, ten angels of God sweating that I was right would make no difference". As a student, I want a president that are responsible and true to his works. I hope that President Duterte will do his job properly as we expect a big changes to the Country.

Monday 30 July 2018


Every July , we are celebrating nutrition month. Every year of July, there are different themes conducted about nutrition. But what is nutrition? Why are we celebrating nutrition month? What are the things we should know about nutrition? What are your thoughts about the theme this year? What is the purpose of this nutrition month?

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Nutrition is the process of providing the food that our body and bones needs. Nutrition is also for our health and growth. We are celebrating nutrition month in order for us to stay healthy, to raise awareness because kids now a days don't eat nutritious foods. It also for us to know what can we get on eating nutritious foods, to know how to balance our diet and to know how to maintain our health and away from diseases. Also to know about the importance of vegetables and fruits to our body and to guide people on choosing the best foods as well as developing good eating and exercising habits. The theme for this year was " Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrition Aanihin ." My thought about the theme was,  we should plant fruits and vegetables and other nutritious foods so that we can harvest better life and good health. Farming is also the best way to harvest a healthy lifestyle so we all should plant for a better life

The purpose is to maintain a healthy life and reduce diseases. Making small changes in our lifestyle can make a big difference to each and everyone of us. Having a good nutrition makes our life easier and better.

Monday 9 July 2018

A Letter to the Philippine President

July 9,2018

Raven Joyce Lazo
Brgy. Fuerte, Caoayan,
Ilocos Sur

Malacanang Palace Compound,
J.P. Laurel Street,
San Miguel,Manila

Dear Mr. President :

Great day sir! I am Raven Joyce Lazo, a grade 10 student of Ilocos Sur National High School.

I would like to commend about the one of the biggest problems that our country's facing right now,"POVERTY."

Many people of our country are suffering because of poverty. We cannot avoid poverty but we need to find a solution to decrease the number of people who were suffering from poverty. We need to help them, so that we can achieve the best living of our country. We also have to prepare for the future of the next generations. Many young people are now out of school because of poverty and many people are working abroad to make money for their children and to gave their children a better life. So we need to find a solution for the better life of our fellow Filipinos and for the future of the youth and also they are not going to abroad anymore.

Regarding to this letter, i would like to have a feedback about this problem and how would you decrease poverty and what are you going to do as a President. This is for all of us Filipinos.

I hope this letter will be solve and have a good feedback.

Sincerely Yours,
Raven Joyce Lazo
Grade 10 Student

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Celebrating Philippine Independence Day

Why do we celebrate our Independence Day? When was the Filipinos Independence Day? This are some questions of tourists or people who are visiting our country. We are going to find out.

We Filipinos are confirmed free on the 12th day of June,1896. We are celebrating our Independence day every 12th day of June. We achieve our freedom from the colonization of Spaniards. We are celebrating Independence day because we have to live as an independent country. We have also the freedom to live by our own.

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Now, we Filipinos are free to live,free to make our decisions,free to fight out rights and free to do what ever we want. It is because of the people behind this. They fight the freedom and peace of our country. We are celebrating this to also remember the heroes who died to keep us free. From now, we Filipinos are going to be brave and strong.