Sunday 27 January 2019

New Year, Big Change

New year is about starting the year a very memorable one with family and friends. We are celebrating it every january 1st of the year. A new year to accept more challenges and turned out into success.

New year, new me. When I say new me, It's about changing your wrong attitudes or wrong doings or wrong personality into right one. It's not about changing your whole appearance just to make everyone choose you just for something they can used to. Some people are changing they whole appearance just to make more friends and some are changing theirselvs just to makes someone to like them. We should change ourselvs in being what we are.Changing yourself into a better person is great opportunity to got a higher confidence in everything.

Changing our wrong personalities can made us into a new person, a person that must be appreciated and treasured by how they look on us before and they know that we can do that because of our determination on changing that attitude. Change our personalities not our appearances.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Reflection for 3rd Grading

For this period, I have gained a lot of learnings and skills. A skills that are going to be improve little by little.

There are some lessons that are very hard though it was fun and enjoyable. Creating documents like that can be helpful in the future.

We should listen to our teachers so that the lessons we're learning from the start can be used in the near future