Saturday 20 October 2018


United Nations are about to work hand in hand for the safety of the people. They organize a lot of organizations for the people around the world.

The theme was about ending the problem of poverty in the world. Many people are uneducated because of poverty. Some choose to work all day to earn money. Poverty has a lot of effects in the world. We are celebrating the United Nations Month to share ideas on how to end or lessen poverty, the human rights and how to save a lives. We all should work together to overcome this problem in our society.

We should not also depend on some sequences. Others says "Poverty is not the hindrance to success." We should also learn to stand on our own to overcome those challenges in life. Together we achieve our desired plans for the world.


Science is known for being a hard subject in the school. Science is about creating new knowledge, inventions and investigations. Everything we can see are made from science. Science has a big impact in our society.

The theme was about science is for the people wherein they can apply their new inventions and learnings in there everyday life. They used it for their better way of having a good future or life. By inventing and experimenting we can show it to the world that will make us to be known for our talent in inventing and experimenting. We are celebrating Science month to create and sharing more inventions and experiments. Have a new knowledge that would be applied in our lives.

Science has big part in the world. We don't know what a thing is if we don't learn it. We should learn more and more to create a better way of living.


Teachers has an important role in our lives. They share a lot of new knowledge to us. Teachers are called our hero because they are sacrificing for us. Why are we celebrating the Teachers Month?

The theme of the Teachers month celebration was about a teachers who made a lot of sacrifices,efforts and time to teach a students and their sacrifices, efforts and time were all worth it because they made their students a very successful individuals. Teachers did their jobs a very good one. Teachers are very important in our lives. We aren't a successful person if without our hardworking teachers. We are celebrating Teachers day to give love to our teachers. They also need to rest and have fun. Teachers must be well respected as well. They are teaching us for our bright future. Teaching is the best profession for it is the only way to make an individual have a better life.

We should respect and love our teachers. We can learn a lot of knowledge from a teacher. We should Thank them for their unending love,sacrifices and efforts. To all our teachers out there! A big THANK YOU for the new learnings. We are so greatful yo have you all our beloved teachers.